Adult Support
Scouts only exists because you make it happen. We know how important it is having easy access to all the information and guidance you need. Whatever your role, we want to empower and support you as much as we can. These pages are here to help you in your role, whether you are a Leader or Manager, Executive Member or Occasional Helper.
Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement.
To support adults in Scouting, the Association provides a comprehensive programme of training to build on existing skills and knowledge and develop new competencies. Some elements of training can count towards externally-recognised qualifications, and within the movement there are also awards to recognise dedication to training and outstanding service.
The resources below provide an introduction and overview from various categories. They are a great source of information for any questions that you might have about training.
We are adding and reviewing information all the time to make sure that it is accurate, up to date and useful. Currently the areas covered are: