Our Arrangements

Section Planning

  • Based on the Scouting guidelines, we must restrict the Group size for our activities. This will lead to different arrangements for our sections as our section leaders have to manage numbers & leader availability. Attendance to activities, will be by invite only subject to consent received and OSM updated
  • Face to face sessions will be kept simple so that the leader teams can effectively manage the session and will expand the programme as we grow in confidence.

Arrival and departure arrangements

  • Please ensure young people uses the toilet before arriving at each meeting location.
  • For Huish Woods activities please park in the beacon field carpark and wait with your own vehicle where a leader will then take responsibility for your child.
  • At the end of the session, we will bring the child back to the carpark to handover to parents / guardians.
  • For other locations, you will be advised by the Section Leader on the specific arrangements for that location.

Hand sanitisation, hygiene, personal equipment & site cleaning

  • We will provide hand washing facilities & will expect young people to wash at the start, end & during the session as instructed by the leaders.
  • Please bring your own named drinks bottle & waterproofs. These items should be placed in a waterproof bag along with the hand towel.
  • Toilets will be available at the woods, for other locations then you will be advised of the arrangements.
  • As activities will be outside, the washing areas, doors & toilets will be cleaned between each session by the woods staff.

Social distancing

  • Will be based on current Government guidelines
  • Please ensure you respect this at the time of drop off & pick up by staying with your vehicle.

First Aid

  • For any personal incidents including first aid & depending on the extent of the incident & child, they will be asked to self-administer their own first aid.
  • In the event of a serious incident, one of the leaders will have given their consent to administer close contact first aid with the appropriate PPE close to hand.

Track & Trace

  • You will be invited to your section meeting via an email. Attendance to each activity will be recorded which we can then provide if required for the track & trace system.
  • We will provide the details to NHS Track & Trace if requested.
  • If we are made aware of anyone testing positive, then we will advise the other members of those sessions that someone has tested positive so that you can then follow the Government guidelines. Anonymity will be respected.
  • If you have not received an invitation, then please do not turn up with your child to the activity as you will be turned away.

We’re all looking forward to getting outdoor activities back up and running again, so we can gain more skills and have more fun together. If you have any additional questions, then please contact your section leader.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III